This Unique Experience Is Unparalleled

Please take a moment to read, as I humbly ask for your support

Dear Committee Member,

First and foremost, thank you for your service to the Oenida County Republican Party!

For the past 15 years I have had the distinct honor of serving as your colleague on the Oneida County Republican Committee. As I seek your support for the Republican endorsement for the impending Family Court Judge vacancy, coming due as a result of the Hon. James P. Griffith’s announced retirement, this experience of serving alongside you, as well as the experience of assisting dozens of Republican candidates, has shown me what we look for in a candidate. I have outlined this and why I feel that I am the best candidate for Oneida County Family Court Judge below 

Dedicated Republican Committee Member

As a proud and active Committee member for over 15 years, I am proud of the work we have accomplished together to elect candidates who share our values and who have helped move this area forward. I stress that I have been an active dedicated Committee member because we all know, occasionally, there are individuals who join the Committee simply to further their own political ambitions. That has never been me. In fact, throughout the years of proudly serving side by side with you, I have assisted dozens of Republican candidates. This has included knocking on thousands of doors, making thousands of phone calls, and providing legal representation to candidates’ campaigns.

Proven Electability

Electability and being ready and prepared to run an effective campaign are important components of an election and these attributes matter when making an endorsement of a candidate. I have successfully run for office, winning with over 63% of the vote in a district with a 2 to 1 Democratic to Republican registration advantage. I know the rigors that a campaign entails because I have run myself.


I also know the infrastructure that it takes to win a campaign because I have been a part of it, and I have done it. Knowing the resources that it takes; I am committing $100,000.00 of my own money into this campaign to start.

We are going to run a positive respectful campaign because I believe any campaign for the Judiciary should be done with the integrity and character that the position deserves. Our campaign will be devoid of the mud slinging that we have seen in politics as of late. The fact that this negativity has begun to ooze into Judicial campaigns in our area has been observed by many who have expressed great disappointment that local Judicial campaigns, long run with respect and civility, have been infiltrated with negativity. You have my word that we can compete and win without that. I know this because I have done it!

As you can see, I know what it takes to win because we have done this so many times before together! With your endorsement, we will do it again this November.